It all starts with an amazing idea.
McCoonna is built on innovation, collaboration, creativity, knowledge and understanding. Our mission isn't to become the biggest company out there, or mediocritize those who are known as our competitors. We are not some faceless company. We are a group of hard working people, just like you! Our mission is to simply provide you with the very best experiences our products and services can provide, while maintaining a high level of social and ecological awareness.

We strive to minimize our carbon footprint while maximizing productivity. By utilizing rapid-development processes like incorporating 3D printing with environmentally friendly PLA, we can design and create amazing new things with little negative impact on the industrial carbon footprint. By working with local companies and resources for parts, materials, prototyping, and manufacturing services we reduce the amount of fuel used for transporation, further helping reduce our negative contributions to pollution. We source all of our packaging materials from fully renewable and recyclable resources to help reduce the amount of trash we throw away. And, if thrown away rather than recycled, our packaging products are biodegradable, and always nontoxic.

Sustainability is always on the forefront of our minds when designing new technologies, and our products are always designed to be highly, if not 100% recyclable. With that in mind, we incorporate non-toxic materials and manufacturing processes to negate harmful environmental impacts to both our urban environments, as well as our beautiful natural world. This means making sure the materials we use, such as the plastic materials in casings, or components in our circuitry, are free of harmful materials such as BFRs, Mercury, Lead, Arsenic, and PVC, among others. We dream of an industry free of pollution. And we believe that by working together we can achieve it. We fully support what the many people united across nations, backgrounds and creeds, from all over our beautiful planet are doing in support of the Paris Climate Agreement, and know that we won't only meet that goal, but surpass it!

We are positively ecstatic to be on the forefront of introducing our very first product! As many of you may be aware, getting to the introductory stage of a new product takes some time. But never fear, we are working diligently to bring you a sneak peek at our first product, and provide you, our wonderful customers, the chance to invest and become part of the product's development and the birth of McCoonna!

We always love to hear from you and we feel it's important to keep in communication with our customers. We have established a variety of ways to communicate with us including live chat through Discord, or you can go ahead and tweet us, or even join into conversations in our YouTube video comments.