McCoonna is proud and very excited to introduce our very first title!

Nok and No-e DEMO version pA1.011 is now available!

It all started out so nice. Such a beautiful activation into a duty cycle, but without warning it all changes. In the near future, when quantum computing and artificial neural networks are standard features in computer hardware and programming algorithms, two heroes emerge during chaos. They may or may not have been destined to meet each other... who knows!? But they are here to do one thing... find out what is causing the massive NAViant invasion, and figure out how to stop it... I guess that's two things. Hmm. Anyways, Nok, with the help of his new found friend No-e, must traverse the great sea of information that is the Internet to find the fabled Alpha0.def, the only key to stopping the onslaught unleashed by the shadowy entity known only as, MaliciOS.

We're super excited to bring you a sneak peek of the game with an all new early development demo of The Adventures of Nok and No-e Episode One: The Search for Alpha0.def© download it here, or from today!

Welcome to a story driven, action / adventure edutainment RPG with beautifully hand-crafted environments. Enjoy these memorable and fun, fully voice acted characters in narrated and sequenced cut-scenes. Navigate Nok through a fantastical digital 3D world of cybernetic artistry; use your wits to decipher and overcome a menagerie of puzzles and learn a thing or two about how electronics and software actually work; whoop some major NAViant keister with an arsenal of offensive and defensive extensions; see if you have what it takes to find the Alpha0.def kill key and defeat MaliciOS before it's too late!

Nok and No-e is still early in development and many of the story's key features have yet to be implemented. But, if you just simply can't wait for the public release of the game, then you're in for a surprise! Stop by our Patreon page to find out more!

Interested in learning more? Check out our campaign on Patreon, we have special Founders tiers with rewards that will only be available for a limited time!

If you choose to support us through Patreon your support allows us to continue development and progress in our game's development even faster! Your support also gives us the opportunity to provide giveaways to our supporters and patrons as well. So if you're interested in supporting us please stop by our Patreon campaign page to learn more today!

Supporters can enjoy amazing rewards such as chat with the developers and other supporters on Discord; join us for live streams during game development with its creators on YouTube and Twitch; become part of the legend with polls, supporter contributions and even your name in game credits; you even have the chance to have your name etched into the Founders plaque adorning the entrance of our headquarters.

Wanna communicate with us? We're on Twitter, Discord, Steam, YouTube and Twitch!

You can reach out to us any time through Twitter, but we provide live chat through Discord every Monday through Friday from 7amPST to 7pmPST. We're also available to chat while streaming through services such as YouTube, Twitch, and Discord. So come on over and join the conversation!